After finally finishing the task I began in 1995, I have found myself in a position that many people would envy. When I began studying to complete a Civil Engineering degree at Ohio University [], I never thought that it would take 13 years to attain a bachelor degree. Civil engineering was my second choice as a career goal due to the steering of my high school drafting teacher. He convinced me that architecture was so highly competitive a career field that it would be a waste of time to pursue. Four years went by, accumulating bad decisions, bad habits, and lack of sufficient motivation and left me in a position that none would envy, four years of school debt, and no degree.
Two years later, after working various civil engineering oriented jobs; CAD operator, rod man on a survey crew, Engineering Aide in a municipal engineering department, I was married to the love of my life and we began our life together as a family. What is one of the important things every family need to get started on the right foot? Steady income. That is where surveying came in for me. While I was earning a lesser wage than my recently graduated wife, I was enjoying my work, and we were living comfortably as newly weds.
Fast forward to March 3, 2005. Several attempts at restarting an engineering degree have been met with lack of acceptable performance and more time and money wasted on what is becoming more of a pipe dream than an end goal. I begin to realize that with the new addition to our family, daughter numero uno, I need to get my act together so that I can be at least an equal bread winner, and not an on-again-off-again struggling student. The following fall, I enrolled at Indiana Wesleyan University [].
As a side note, while I was editing this blog I found that IWU was ranked 31st by U.S. News and World Report in the Midwes category for Universities that grant Masters Degrees. [USN&WR Article]Today I am a father of two beautiful little girls, the husband of an amazingly intelligent, knockout of a woman, and homeowner. I have completed my course work at IWU and will graduate August 9th with a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems. Some may ask, is that related to civil engineering? Nope, I am in the midst of a career change. Computer applications programming is where I will dedicate my professional efforts, and have already found a lucrative opportunity with an international marketing company developing custom apps in
.NET and
J2EE. This synopsis of my post-high school life is meant to be an exercise in reflection. I, by my very nature, am not one to dwell on the past, and quite often simply ignore it all together for the purpose of living in the present. However, to fully appreciate what I have been able to accomplish with the massive support from my family and friends, this glance back makes the present, and future that much sweeter. I would not suggest that my current situation is enviable by anyone, but I have been on the fringes of success for so long, that I know what it is like to want a little taste for myself. Now I have that chance.